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The Morning Melody

There are journeys within and the journeys beyond. Some journeys take you across all your known truths, expanding the boundaries of your knowledge, while some open a swell of imagery, sounds and smells, moment after moment pushing you into unknown territories of dreams and sometimes strategically pulling you out of it, to reveal things which could have been missed on the way. It was seemingly one such journey, which I started from a lonely station in the far west of Shikoku island. I boarded an early morning slow local train to take me to another city situated next to "Seto Inland Sea" or Setonaikai (瀬戸内海) as it is locally called. The sun was nowhere to be seen and there were no fellow passengers to keep me company. The train slowly moved ahead, passing through unknown areas in the dark. With some music playing in my ears from a random playlist, I started falling into the lap of a sweet nap, with hands crossed on my chest in response to a cool air-conditioning. Head fall

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